This moment will never happen again in quite the sameway, appreciate this moment. Each and every situation has within itthe opportunity to grow, expand, and find love. Sometimes thecircumstances you find yourself in seem challenging and don'talways make sense. It is important to face what is happening to youor around you with love so that it can help you to see the giftfrom the experience. Ask your angels to show you what is mostimportant for you in that moment and be open to the answer with aloving heart.
Your angel guidance is to remember that only love isreal. Shift your focus from the problem back to love. Speak thelanguage of love and use loving words that have the power to changeyour life, or perhaps change someone else's. Be conscious of thelanguage you use about yourself and others and be open to creatingmore positive energy around you. Remember that you are limitlessand as you begin to recognize this truth, you can do anything thatyou choose. There is a multitude of possible outcomes so releasethe need to control. Allow your inner knowing to assist you andtrust that it will all be as it should be.
Affirmation: "Everything is perfect and as it should be.I choose Love. I am surrounded by love and loving people andtogether we make a difference."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan