to say? Listen withyour heart and you have the opportunity to gain a lovingperspective to what is happening around you. It knows the truth.Trust that still wise centre that dwells within you for it knowswhat to do and what is best for you and can help you seen thebigger picture and not get caught up in what is happening aroundyou. Sit quietly, take some deep breaths and ask your heart what itis that you need to know right now to help you find the answers oroptions you seek.
You are being givenan opportunity to re-evaluate what you truly want. Go back to whatyou know and what is most important for you and your life. Ask yourangels to guide you through this process. You can do anything thatyou truly want to. Your angel guidance is to remember to beauthentic to who you are. Accept others for who they are and don'tfeel the need to change yourself to make others happy and do notexpect them to change to meet your needs and wants. Follow your ownheart and you will know what to do.
Affirmation: "When Ilisten to and with my heart, I know that I am guided to do what isright and best for me and therefore is for the good ofall."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan