The key to rapidadvancement during these phases of great waves of growth potential,is to remain grounded, clear, and focused. Set your intentions nowfor the seeds of potential are great and it is the best time tocreate. This is a good time to look at your behavioral patterns andlook at the ones that you would most like to transform and let thatbe your focus. This is the path of transformation and these are theopportunities to make it so much more. Have the courage, take theplunge and prepare. Make the most out of this and plant the seedsthat you wish to nurture and to grow in the comingtimes.
A balance of passionand calm may be called upon in order for you to keep your focus,however it is what will serve you best as things around you findtheir place. Trust in the process, trust in divine timing, and mostof all, trust in your own self and your heart.
Affirmation: "Iconsciously set my intentions for the seeds I wish to nurture andgrow. I trust in Divine timing, for the good of all."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan