為下個階段做好準備 Preparing for thisnext phase
Many of you have beenreceiving a strong message that change is near and that thereare things that you need to do, and yet some ofyou have no idea exactly what that is supposed to be or look like.Do not try so hard and let it unfold. Set your intention of whereyou would like to be and then trust that the steps will be there toguide you.
This is the time tothink about what you are manifesting and what seeds you areplanting so that you can reap the rewards of the harvest when thetime comes. Like a master gardener tending to his crop, followingthe natural cycles and rhythms as she goes. Set your intention ,follow your intuition, and notice the signs from your guardians anddream guides.
Affirmation: "I trustthat each step I wish to take is there for me as I set my intentionfor my desired creations."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides