2015年3月21日 星期六

【天使的智慧】 20150319 《情緒》

精通你的感受   Mastering yourFeelings


This has been an emotional time and there is a needto balance the emotions; some seem to feel too much, others not atall. Mastering the emotions is one of the greatest challenges inbeing human. Mastering human relationships is a continuing processand one of the reasons for taking on a physical incarnation anddoing the human journey. When you are not in physicality you areaware of your connection with everything and all that is. When youare in physicality, you feel theseparateness and long to feel that loving reunion onceagain.


It is important for you to feel love and all of itsemotions, it is glorious as well as it is a natural feeling thatyou are remembering deep within you. Nurture these feelings andhelp them to grow. Sometimes it feels like everything inside of youis competing with each other to be heard or to beright and in those times your greatesttool is the process of meditation. Spend time in quiet meditationand you will better understand the range and depths of youremotions and why you chose to experience life in such a way fortoday. ​​It is part of your understanding and your progress in thedevelopment you desire for your soul as a whole along with yournatural desire to grow.


Affirmation: "I am mastering my feeling world and asI do, I trust more in the messages and wisdom that come from deepwithin me."

就是如此  And so it is


Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

