Sometimes if you takea minute and look at things, you see there is a possibility orbetter options or choices that are available to you that you had noseen previously. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep your balanceand be open to compromise as sometimes when you work together, youget the best answers. Together you are stronger and learning tosupport and nurture one another is important. Knowing there isenough for all helps you to want for more for those aroundyou as well as yourself and this is becoming anunderstanding and reality of the empowered.
It is time to moveforward with determination and self-control as that will allow forthe advancement you desire for yourself and your growth.Acknowledge the successes of others as this new beginning willattract that success to you and this change will help to bringabout the changes you desire and a happy and rewarding life.Remember that success comes from objective compromise and followingyour heart, be patient, the rewards you seek are there and coming,are you preparing to receive them? Be open and allowing.
Affirmation: "I keepmy eyes on the prize as I see the results of my work manifesting inmy reality."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan