Humanity needs you to shine your light and loveeverywhere you go, everywhere you are. Set your entire intentionand attention to be on being in the best place to make the world abetter place. The Law of Attraction will automatically bringsituations and people to you that will help to make this world aplace of love, that you love. Ask spirit,"How may I be in service?" and we will light the way.
Surround yourself with positive and supportive people,situations and things. Avoid negative themed activities as youbecome more sensitive to the energy around. You are raising yourvibration ans you do, you are affected by energies in a newway. Sharing you light and love raisesyour vibration and helps to raise the vibration of those aroundyou. Ask your angels to surround you in their loving light everydayso that you can continue to be a beacon that guides others towardslove, light and a better way.
Affirmation: "I am surrounded by a loving light thatothers can sense and feel when they are around me. I spread mylight to the world around me."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan