You are a remarkable energy field and you would benefitgreatly from energy work, both giving and receiving. Activate yourhealing hands and heart today. Ask your angels to initiate you withtheir healing love and ask that you may be a conduit of theirenergy. Open your arms and your heart and be ready to receive thewaves of light. Let it awaken your healing chakras in your hands.Feel the energy as it begins to flow. Your hands might feeltingling or even heavy with pressure. Let your angels do the workand just be open to this new cellular calibration.
When you lay your hands on another, even if it is justfor gentle reassurances, their body will recognize the lovingenergy that flows forward and they will revel in it. Direct it withlove and no other agenda. It is not up to any one to decide whatanother needs for their healing. Set aside your own beliefs and setyour intent to share love and let them consciously decidewhere,when, and how their healing happens. Remember that just asyou have free will, it is up to each one to decide what is best andright for them.
Trust the feelings you receive, share messages of love inhealing when you are guided. Remember to release any judgment onyour part in deciding what is best for another, and just love themunconditionally. That love has the greatest power in the knownUniverses.
Affirmation: "I am a conduit of healing love and lightfor anyone and everyone, the earth, the stars and everything inbetween."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan