2015年4月17日 星期五

天使的智慧20150415 精神成長

是時候調整到你擴張的新層面   It is time to adjustto the new levels in your expansion


You are ready and itis time for you to understand new levels of working in this higherlevel of energy you are now living in. It can be a challenge, butwe know you are up for it or you would not be here right now doingwhat you are doing . You are courageous and you have the choice tochange any situation or aspects of your life and it is easier whenyou can look at it from the higher perspective of spirit.Meditation and a great sleep can help you process through this in amuch more efficient way, and you will gain great insights into yourknowledge and understanding, your new skills and techniques, andhow to better work with them.


Embrace your passionfor life, like when you were a child. Bring your own inner childout to play and experience life from this perspective of freshnessand do what you love. This is a time of great growth and expansionin your career as well as the artistic endeavours of your heart.Work with others to see that your dreams and desires are broughtinto physicality and dare to be you as you charge ahead.


Affirmation: "I amexperiencing an expansion of my senses and I am easily adjusting tousing these new skills and talents to make life unfold in a betterway."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn  翻譯:Nick Chan 

