2015年5月2日 星期六

天使的智慧20150429 相信

深呼吸   Take a deepbreath


Trust that there ismore going on than meets the eye and all things are in order as youlive your life to the fullest in each experience. Today is truly agift and everything is unfolding as it should based on youractions, intentions and focus. Life is happening perfectly , eventhough it doesn't always seem so at the time. When you are inharmony with the flow of your life there is no need to feel thatthings are not turning out as planned. There will be times whenlife flows smoothly and you seem to be in a most perfect flow andat others is necessary to just accept what is and go with the pacethat is around you and see any 'delays' as the opportunity to takea look around and notice the little things that you would havemissed if you went right by this moment .


Trust that it is allunfolding perfectly and that the timing of every event, opportunityand situation is for a purpose and allow the plans to unfold likethe petals of a flower. Trust in the knowingness of the Divine andnatures most perfect timing. When doors are open, walk throughthem. When no door appears, that is when you can pause and reflect,rest and rejuvenate for the next wave that surly will come yourway.


Affirmation: "I trustin the Universal order and know that all things are as they shouldbe and go with the Divine flow of what is."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

