2015年5月4日 星期一

天使的智慧20150430 內在之光

讓你的光閃耀   Let your LightShine


You are a spark of theDivine and within you is this special light that only you cancarry. You can use it to assist you on your path, to inspire andempower others to find their own spark of Creator Light to sharewith the world. You are a sacred temple and your spirit is callingyou forth to create this sacred space for yourself and your life.You are a being of light, of the Divine and this energy is drawingyou forward into yourself. Recognize this within yourself andbecome more light, m​​ore love for your world . It is when you eachbegin to recognize this light within yourself that you can then seeit more clearly in others and that begins to ignite yourworld.


Let your light shine.Meditate and spend time with the Divine, make that connection andsurrender into the moment. Create sacred ceremony that allows youto express yourself and choose to gift this toyourself. Take time to smell the flowers, to savour the pleasuresof life and renew your connection to the Light. You are the one youhave been waiting for and it is now time to emerge and become yourpowerful self and share your inner light with the world aroundyou.


Affirmation: "I am a Divine spark of CreatorLight and as I nurture this light, it begins to light up the worldwithin me and around me affecting all that I am and all that I dowith love."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels


通靈:SharonTaphorn    翻譯:NickChan 

