Continue to moveforward and trust yourself. Be steadfast, focused, and determinedthat you will find a way. You have the ability to magically createwhat you truly desire when you believe in yourself and know thatyou can and it will be. Detach from the outcome of how it arrivesand just focus on the fact that it will. You thrive through thepower of your thinking, so choose wise and optimistic thoughts foryourself.
It is your trustingin your knowing without a doubt that will help you create theresults you desire. Part of your desire to come to earth at thistime stems from your thirst for challenge and expansion and thesewill always bring changes of sorts as that is how you measure yourgrowth .
This is a time to beinspired and feel the courage to embark upon the journey of livingyour life with the purpose of being happy, of seeing the gift andthe beauty that is all around you and empowering yourselves andeach other to be an inspiring success at whatever it is you choosefor yourself.
Affirmation: "I knowthat I will succeed and I am encouraged and empowered by the beautyand gifts that are all around me, within me and available tome."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan