See only love withinyour circle of family and friends, regardless of outwardappearances. You are all soul family and have a unique gift to eachother. Spend some quality time with those that you love being with.Focus on the love that you feel when you just be with that person,or doing something with them that brings you or them absolute joy.Do something for yourself that brings you absolute joy. Walk in thesunshine along a shoreline with your dog or take a shelter dog fora walk. Play with your kitty cat. Spend some time in thegarden.
Feel the love thatjust being brings into your life. Feel the love and the joy thatbeing with one you love brings into your life and hold thosethoughts for whenever you feel sad or lonely, asthey are there to revisit anytime you should feel the need forextra love and support. Also remember to reach out and and ask forextra love and support from those you love when you need to andknow that love truly is the ultimate healer.
Affirmation: "I seelove and beauty in all things and all around me. Everytime I lookfor acts of love, I see them occurring all around me and tome."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan