2015年5月13日 星期三

天使的智慧20150511 改變

改變發生  Change Happens


Trust that you haveplanted some seeds of desired intentions, or plant some right now.This means setting your intention of what you would like to createand then feeling as if you already have it. It is counterproductiveif you focus on unnecessary worry or are focusing upon what youdon't want or if you want something different yet are not clear onwhat that is. Clearly set your intention for now, you can alwayschange it as it begins to manifest if you do not like what you arecreating or find something more grand to create as newpossibilities open up for you. It is most important to beginsomewhere and see where that takes you from here.


You have somebrilliant ideas and inspirations of which to act upon, and so ifyou feel things are not yet moving, look at those things from adifferent perspective and just be yourself for a while as it isunfolding. This standstill is only temporary so enjoy the respiteand find you balance for the time ahead will be ushered in quicklyand is filled with exciting new opportunities upon which to build.Change your life now to be more in keeping with your authentic selfand your goals and intentions


Affirmation: "Iwelcome the new that is coming my way as I transition through thatwhich no longer serves me or my growth. This is an exciting time tobe alive."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

