2015年5月14日 星期四

天使的智慧20150512 正直

述說你的真理   Speakyour truth


Wisdom andobjectivity are important and are integral tohelping you move in the direction of you intentions. Honest andopen communication is using your natural resources wisely and isalways the best and simplest approach. Be aware of your ownemotions and how you feel about your life and what is happening foryou right now. Be clear on what you want and take action to helpyou create your intentions into manifestation. Adhere to your moralprinciples and as you do, you are setting new professional andpersonal standards as a model for others to follow.


Make a commitment toyour long term goals. Your goals and dreams are important and willwork out as you trust that you are being guided toward the successyou seek as you continue to look for other possibilities and stayopen to the opportunities that are always presenting themselves toyou. Sometimes you just need to make a decision on what it is youwant or the direction you would like to go and then all the piecesand parts can then fall into play, so also remember to be patientas the outcome unfolds.


Affirmation: "Icommunicate my truth openly and honestly. My professional andpersonal integrity are important to me as I l​​ive my life in mytruth and by my truth."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

