2015年5月29日 星期五

天使的智慧20150526 真理

活出你的真理  Liveyour truth


Speak your truth, beyour truth. It matters not what others are thinking or doing, itonly matters how you feel about your thoughts, words and deeds. Theangels suggest that you look within and purify any murky thoughtsand feelings and be totally honest with yourself. There is nothingwrong with your thoughts and feelings, of you living your truthhonestly. Let those thoughts and feelings come from your heart,tempered always with love, a love that is unconditional. Let othersbe and live their own truth as well. If your truths differ greatly ,take that as a sign to release that situation and move on torelationships that have a spiritual basis.


Be open to giving andreceiving love in your life. There are many paths up the mountainand love and respect each person who lives their truth honestly andfrom their heart. Except all things with love, regardless as to howthey appear. Sometimes the greatest gifts are indisguise. What is most important is that you feelcomfortable with yourself and your life and just be that. It isenough and it is wonderful.


Affirmation: "I amliving my truth as best I can each day and that is representedthrough my thoughts, words and deeds."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

