Although it doesn'talways feel pleasant at the time, the changes bring you greatblessings and are truly answers to your prayers. Change means thatyou are evolving as you should be. Ride the wave with the focusedintention of opening yourself up to whatever is before you andtrusting that it is all unfolding as it should, for now is theperfect time to act upon your inspirations and make those dreamscome to life.
Use desiredaffirmations of what it is you would like to create and keep themwith you during these time of transformation. They can help youkeep your focus on creating what you desire, not what you don't.Angel wisdom reminds you that everyone and everything are on yourside, supporting you many different ways. If the current path youare on seems particularly arduous, know that you are being asked torelease something that no longer serves you and as this energy isreleased, a beautiful new you will emerge, like a butterfly fromits cocoon to face a brave new world of your creation.
Affirmation: "I givethanks for shedding the old and I welcome the newness and the giftsthat are emerging as the transformation completes it cycle oflife."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan