Many of you are experiencing the ending and completion ofsome major life contracts and are preparing to move on to new goalsand purpose. This can be a bit of a scary time if you don't knowwhat is coming and are wary to take the challenge of this nextphase and march ahead. Rest assured, you are safe and protected andsurrounded by loving support from your guides and angels. Some ofyou might even been feeling as if you are going it alone and can'tfeel your entourage of light beings as you once did. This isbecause you are in the midst of great change and it truly is ofyour choosing so set your intention and know that there is muchmore awaiting you as you do.
Take this time to complete projects, gather information,study and learn for very soon you will be taking this knowledge andputting it to work and seeing how you can make it work in your newphase. Embrace these changes as they are very much part of yourpurpose and life mission, as it is time for you to be fullyimmersed in that role. Make positive,optimistic long term plans for yourself and know that you are onthe right path and some wonderful happy times are ahead. Use yourcreativity and trust the insights and inner feelings you have asthese are your signs and compass meant to assist you on thepath.
Affirmation: "I am eager to begin this next phase in myjourney. I am ready to release my completed contracts so that moreof what I desire to create has the room to grow."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan