You are on the righttrack, it is just that determined effort is what is being calledfor at this time. Making a choice and trusting in the outcome areimportant tasks and to remember to consider the options available,do not spend too much time contemplating or second guessing yourchoices. If you have looked at life from all sides now, then youknow it is time to choose and move on.
A cornucopia ofwealthy abundance is available to you and you are assisted on yourjourney. You are doing important work and is paying off in allaspects of your life. The seeds you have planted in your energy areripe for the harvest in significant ways. Get ready, for a greatfeats awaits you and Spirit is applauding all of yourefforts.
Affirm: "I am open,flexible and aware. All that I need comes to me at just right timeand in just the right way."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan