You are reminded thatyou are on a spiritual path and it has great purpose, beyond theobvious or the logical. It is about the quest, about your ownspiritual evolution on the winding path you are on as it leads youto the spiritual destiny that your over soul has in mind for thislifetime. What you are going through is part of your souls processof expanding and understanding and the choices you make now areimportant for your personal growth and mastering your lifelessons.
It has been anemotional time on this path and we want you to know that you arenever alone...even if you feel that way right now. There are lightsall around you that are your family members and friends, angels andguides, all whom are loving spirit guides who long to assist you onyour path. Call upon them and be open to their wisdom, love, andguidance. This truly is a wonderful life expanding time and so youare also reminded to keep in mind your personal priorities andgoals as well as your spiritual aspirations and connections as bothare important to your life's plan.
Affirm: "Guidance andInspiration come easily to me. I am attracting wonderful newadventures to my life."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan