2015年7月20日 星期一

天使的智慧20150717 心之光

新的開始  New Beginnings


A beautiful doorwayis opening because of your new born willingness to look into yourheart and discover your purpose and the meaning of life in new andexpanded ways and understanding. The path of healing you have takenis opening up wonderful opportunities in both your inner and outerworld. The changes you have been working on are ready to blossomwith the wonderful results of your intentions. You deserve this andso put your heart light into your plans and realize them intomanifestation.


You now have agreater readiness to receive love from others as well as fromyourself. You are ready to infuse your heart light into all thatyou do. Be conscious of any self talk and be compassionate withyourself. Your heart energy is powerful as are your words, whetheryou speak out loud or in your own mind and heart. As you spreadthat light to the world the Universe sends you people andsituations that match that vibration.


Affirm: "The energyof love flows through me and to me and in all that I do. I have thepower to create wonderful new opportunities in my life."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

