2015年7月21日 星期二

天使的智慧20150718 潛能

無限的潛能  Unlimited Potential

有著一個精神覺醒擴張的能量領域和一個新的開始,你準備通過這個門戶進入無限潛能的世界。跟隨你的指導進入更深的生命,宇宙和一切萬有理解。很多在發生,很多在改變,即使你還無法看到。這是你真正力量的源泉,是時候拾起那個力量,相信你的直覺了 !

There is an expansiveenergetic realm of spiritual awakening and new beginnings and youare poised to step through this doorway into the world of unlimitedpotential. Follow your guidance to a deeper understanding of Life,the Universe and all that Is. Much is happening and much ischanging, even if you can't see it ye​​t. This is the source of yourtrue power and it is time to take that power and and trust yourintuitive self.


Don't get distractedby worldly matters or the personal problems of others. The more youcan let go of the drama, distractions and intense emotions, themore your spiritual connection can assist you in bringing about thesolutions you seek. Relax and let go of what is happening aroundyou, the more powerful and peaceful you can become. Now is the timeto open up to you spirit self, unexpected guidance and the power ofyour authentic self. You are ready for this. You are become moreaware, more intuitive, and more powerful.


Affirm: "As I allowmy connection with my spirit self, my intuition, and my power tobecome stronger, I am tapping into the unlimited potential of theUniverse and the world of spirit supports me and mygrowth."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

