When you come toexperience the realm of the physical, much happens and many plansare made and back-up plans and back-up plans for the back-up plansand choices and decisions about what it is you would like toexperience. It is a very exciting time and much happens as thosepossibilities line up and begin to materialize on your plane. Thereis much to do and many beings who play their part in your lifeexperiences. That is a contract and you make many of them beforeyou even come to earth.
Karma is oftenmisunderstood, even by those who think they understand and try tolive the best they can. Karma is neither good nor bad, it is aboutcause and effect. In a world of duality, every action has areaction. In its essence, you get back what you putout...eventually. When you see that so and so has done somethingbad or wrong and you say, oh well, karma will get them, you havecreated some of this for yourself in that process. Sometimes beingsslough off karma for many lifetimes and then have one that seemsparticularly harsh and difficult as they choose to take on a fewtasks all at once.
The best advice wecan give to you is to become more conscious of your thoughts.Become more conscious and deliberate in your actions. Become moreconscious Beings and then you know that you are doing the best youcan at this game of life.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan