2015年9月2日 星期三

天使的智慧20150831 指引


When you say thank youto the Universe for its gifts, the energy responds toyou.


Your angel guidanceis to remember to say thank you for all that you have, no matterhow great or small. Count your blessings for the love, the wisdom,and the guidance you receive as well as for all that you have inthe world around you. Gratitude is the key to opening doors youwish to open, and for closing ones you also wish to close.Gratitude is the energy of giving and receiving and helps to keepthe balance.


There is no need tohurry or to force things to happen. Show your gratitude and trustthat everything occurs at the most perfect time for you. If you areworking at forcing things to happen and they are not, it can bediscouraging and then your thought processes go to "it is nevergoing to happen' and then guess what...it is never going to happen.Do you see how your thoughts and feeling put up a block and how youget in your own way of creation. Remember that you get what thinkabout whether you want it or not and the Universe is just waitingto respond to your commands.


Affirm: "I givethanks and appreciation for everything in my life."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

