2015年11月13日 星期五

天使的智慧 20151109 改變

改變方向   Change in Direction


The changes you're experiencing are Divinely directed by your willingness to open your heart to greater love and your angelic guidance. You are protected now and in the future, so follow the path to the happy outcomes you deserve.


Today's message from the angels signifies that you have had a change of heart and this has altered the direction of your life in a positive way. The old ways no longer interest you, and you find yourself avoiding certain situations, friends, and even some of your favourite pastimes that previously attracted you. You desire a life and career that will better fit your new interests and passions. The angels are guiding you through this time of transition.


You are starting a new phase of your life. Decide what you want to create and hold that vision. Give birth to a new project as there is something new in the works. A new element in your life is a blessing, even if it doesn 't make sense right now, you will soon understand. Trust in yourself and trust in your angels to light the way.


Affirm: "I understand that creating a new life for myself is as easy as realizing that perspective is a matter of conscious understanding of energy frequencies and I am always connected to All that Is."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

