The angels sent this message today because our giving and receiving ratio has been out of balance lately and many of us have become out of rhythm with the Universe. If you've been giving much more than receiving, you've likely been feeling that others are taking advantage of your kindness. If your imbalance is in receiving more than giving, you may be feeling uneasy, depressed, or even guilty. It is important for you find a healthy balance for your life. To do so, make sure to give something (like time, money, a gift, or compliments) on a daily basis without expecting anything in return. At the same time, remember to be a gracious receiver to unexpected offers of help, compliments, or other gifts.
In your relationships, make sure you both give and receive. If you are in a relationship where you're the primary giver, express your needs and ask for help. This helps to set healthy boundaries. Relationships require balanced male and female energies, as within, as without. This means to find the balance in your groups, and also within yourselves. Tithe whatever it is you need more of (time, money, items, and so on) as this is the cycle of balance and also the law of attraction working for you.
Affirm: “I now receive good graciously into all areas of my life.”
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
The angels sent this message today because our giving and receiving ratio has been out of balance lately and many of us have become out of rhythm with the Universe. If you've been giving much more than receiving, you've likely been feeling that others are taking advantage of your kindness. If your imbalance is in receiving more than giving, you may be feeling uneasy, depressed, or even guilty. It is important for you find a healthy balance for your life. To do so, make sure to give something (like time, money, a gift, or compliments) on a daily basis without expecting anything in return. At the same time, remember to be a gracious receiver to unexpected offers of help, compliments, or other gifts.
In your relationships, make sure you both give and receive. If you are in a relationship where you're the primary giver, express your needs and ask for help. This helps to set healthy boundaries. Relationships require balanced male and female energies, as within, as without. This means to find the balance in your groups, and also within yourselves. Tithe whatever it is you need more of (time, money, items, and so on) as this is the cycle of balance and also the law of attraction working for you.
Affirm: “I now receive good graciously into all areas of my life.”
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan