2016年2月9日 星期二

天使的智慧 20160205 行動

是時候去採取行動了!    It is time to take action!


It is time to go after your dreams. Do something today that expands your horizo​​ns. Don't be afraid of change nor let any challenges get in the way of making those dreams a rea​​lity. If you feel like things have stalled, do some more research, take a course or a seminar and educate yourself in some way that helps you be more creative as you have some amazing ideas that should be implemented when you get out of your own way.


With all this energy floating around it can sometimes be hard to keep your focus and it is easy to just wander off in another direction searching for the next exciting opportunity. However right now it is important to complete the tasks and projects that you are working on so that you can explore the next phase with a clear slate and mind and enjoy the rewards of a job well done.


Affirm: "I can easily refocus my mind when I take a moment and clear my thoughts and the energy around me and remember what is truly important to me."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan

