Set aside your concerns about the change that is happening for you and let go of any stress that you have created by worrying or from taking on too much. Release to other what is theirs and take the time to focus on your stuff and what is important for you. If something isn't working right now in your life, look deeper. Don't expect others to fix it for you as there is a reason that you put this part of your journey on your path. Usually it is to wake yourself up in some way that you previously have not seen.
Meditation is one of the best ways you can find solutions and understanding. Merge your viewpoints to create a new vision and trust yourself. Take a few deep breaths and take a walk in nature. Release any thoughts and use this time of reflection to help you become more aware of options and alternatives that you had not thought about before and open up your creativity. Be open to unique ideas and creative solutions. There are no limits, so take the risk and be brave. You are always supported by the Universe.
Affirm: "I am open to new ideas and solutions, new adventures and alternatives that support my life purpose and my vision."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan