你已經走了很長的路 You'vecome a long way
As you look back, seehow far you've come. The angels wish to remind you how truly faryou've each come on your path of awakening to a greater aspect ofyou and to celebrate each step and the steady progress that hasbeen made along the way . At times the road is not easy, at othertimes, the wind is at your back. It is time to do a review and knowthat you are now standing on more firm ground and that will helpyou trust more in the possibilities each step brings toyou.
You may not haveeverything you desire just yet, and this is good, for it the goalsthat are before you that motivates you to keep moving forward. Takethe time to pause and reflect upon your path from the view of yourangels, and know that you are on the right path for you. Trust yourguidance and intuition with each step that you take and take careof yourself as you get on your way.
You are a treasure ofmost beautiful energy and we applaud you for your journey. Take adeep breathe and just keep on going forward with us at your sideand your determination to see it through and see your great courageto live your heaven on Earth.
Affirmation: "I amvital. I have the courage to live my heaven on Earth and Iunderstand that sometimes things must fall apart in order to bereborn as I wish."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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