Use the power of yourcreativity to help you find the possibilities and answers that youseek to assist you on your path. As you explore your creativepotential, you are encouraged to put into action all of those ideasand inspirations and let your imagination flow. Direct yourcreative energy towards something that is worthwhile to you and toyour purpose. Use this power with wisdom, joy andunderstanding. As you tap into this energy youbring your own unique flavour and add to it whatever makes thishuman experience more beautiful and more meaningful foryou.
You deserve the bestand so reach for the stars with your dreams and desires and knowthat your angels are helping you to usher in this era of newenergy. Seek wise counsel with your angels and guide and ask themto help to light your way and boost your confidence to act uponyour inspirations and make your dreams come to life.
Angel wisdom remindsyou that you are a divine spark of Creator Light and you areencouraged to open your heart and mind to possibilities that helpyou on the path of your purpose and intentions.
Affirmation: "I am adivine spark of Creator Light and within me is all that I need toassist me in making my earthly journey more fulfilling, beautiful,and bright."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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