協調到你的想法和感受 Tune into yourthoughts and feelings
Sometimes it feelslike the emotional body has it's own agenda and you are left justholding the bag with all of these thoughts and feelings that youfeel like you cannot control and learning to work with them can bea real challenge. Those of you who are empathic often feel thefeelings of others and so what is really important here is to takethe time to understand them, not the root of them so much. Be surethat you are dealing with what is yours to deal with and clearyourself of the energy of others.
When you tune intoyour emotions they have much to teach you about human consciousnessas well as are a barometer of what is happening around you. Delvedeeper and as you begin to understand it will help you keepperspective, it will assist you in your healing path and rejuvenateyour energy . Spend some time near water, take a bath, go for aswim, as this will help you to purify your thoughts and feelingsand balance your emotions.
Affirmation: "I thinkfor today I will just be happy."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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