看穿幻象的面紗 See through the veils of Illusion
Trust that all will be revealed to you in the divinetiming of the Universe and for greater good of all that is. Thereis a purpose for everything and as you work through the veils ofillusion you will see things more clearly and begin to understand.Remember that you are a magical being and regardless of what yourcurrent circumstance might be, there is more going on that you aresometimes aware of.
Within you is a creative force that knows no bounds. Usethis powerful energy of your sacred mind and heart to help youtransform your life and your world around you. When you utilizethis energy you are expanding your light and your magical abilitiesto create. Let nothing or no one hold you back and know thatnothing is etched in stone. You can change and transform your life.Be open to the visions that your higher self, guides and angels aresharing with you as the answers to your prayers as they areilluminating your path with choices and alternatives to inspire andnurture you. Nothing can stop you unless you allow it to when youare doing what is right and good for you and yourgrowth.
Take a deep breathe, feel thelove flow over you, take that leap of faith and use the creativeforce within you to discover the magic that awaits you.
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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