2015年4月27日 星期一

天使的智慧20150424 靈魂成長

Stay on your presentpath, as it will take you far indeed.


There has been asurge in the opportunities for your soul's expansion of late andthis is a time when you want to release on aspiritual, mental, and emotional level and your physical body needstime to adjust. The angels remind you to drink more water as ithelps to flush and release toxins and energy that your physicalbody no longer needs or wants. Spend time in meditation and if youare able, go outside and be in nature, by a lake or the ocean ifpossible, and allow Mother Earth to help cleanse you and healyou.


Angel wisdom remindsyou that these growth session free up energy for a windfall ofideas and situations, and many forms of abundance can come yourway. Be in a state of gratitude, of giving and receiving, even ifthere is seemingly no visible signs of this yet.


Be open to the newyou that emerges from the down times in your energy and use them toyour advantage. This is your opportunity for growth, health andhealing. You are becoming that powerful you that has been waitingto awaken. You have the power of the Universe within you! All thepower of Divine love, wisdom and intelligence is available to you.You have the spiritual power to be with and talk to your angels,the intellectual power to tap into the universal wisdom of the OneMind. You have the emotional power of Divine Love, and physicalpower that is truly unlimited.


Allow yourself toshine with radiant love, so that you true power shines forth andinto the world in miraculous ways.


Affirmation: "I amgrateful for all the divine richness that I have in my life."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

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