2014年9月12日 星期五

天使的智慧20140908 不要擔心

不要擔心  Do NotWorry


Your worry isunnecessary and in fact is one of the biggest blocks that humansput up that stops them from moving forward and realizing theirdreams and intentions. Your angel guidance is to remember that yourthoughts determine your outcome. It is important to release anyfeelings of regret, sadness, disappointment or worry. Ask yourangels to carry them away and replace those spaces with yourfocused intention, love, and support.


Taking charge of yourthoughts is one of the most important steps you can take so makesome ambitious plans and think big. You have some wonderful ideasand it is time to act upon them and don't let any bumps in the roadderail you from your plans. These are the times to get really clearand look for the magic in your life. Seek out other possibilitiesand be open to help from others as your angels are sending youassistants and working together in a co-operative manner is trulywhat unity consciousness is all about and you are all connectedwith each other. As you expand your understanding of the tools thatare available to you, you will learn how truly powerful you arewhen you support one another instead of trying to go it alone asthe solitary practitioners of past times.


Remember, togetheryou are stronger. This is a fantastic time for your growth andexpansion and there is enough for everyone in this magnificentUniverse.


Affirmations: "As Ikeep my focus on the intentions for my life, those intentionsmanifest for me. I choose to think positive and supportive thoughtsto help me manifest my intentions and my goals into myreality."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

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