2014年9月23日 星期二

天使的智慧20140920 內在自我

新月的力量  Power of the waxingnew moon


This is a time forinner growth, inner awareness, and expansion. Allow your thoughtsand ideas to germinate right now with active day dreaming, ormeditation as this is an extremely powerful time for creation ofanything you want to bring into your life. Over the next four daysas you approach the new moon, use the tools that are available toyou to help you create your vision of your life. Allow your innerself to be expressed and let this come from your hearts truepassion.


Create a ritual orceremony and set your intention for your plans and goals. Useaffirmations, meditation, and visualization to help you to create.If you have time to spend creating a vision board, this can be apowerful tool to utilize. You may or may not be aware of theintentions you set forth through your thoughts, your words and youractions, so pay attention to your talk and your thoughts and beconsciously aware in your actions.


Affirmation: "Iconsciously focus my attention on my inner most desires as Iconceptualize, visualize, and realize as I expand my life throughthe power of creation."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn  翻譯:NickChan 

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