2015年4月19日 星期日

天使的智慧20150417 接納

安於你的所處之地   Be okay with whereyou are right now


It is not aboutsettling for less than what you can imagine, it is about being okaywith where you are right now, working with the tools you have rightnow, doing the best that you can right now, and also knowing thatwithout a doubt, things are getting better from here. Right now youhave all the tools within you that you need, it is just you do notalways trust that it is so. If you have created a situation in yourlife that you would like to change, this is your opportunity forgrowth.


Sometimes there arethings that you cannot change, or would not change in your life forwhatever reason and these can feel like restrictions holding youback and yet they are not. There are always ways to make thingswork in your life so that you feel the joy of your advancement andat the same time parts of you stay were they are for now.Acceptance of all of these parts of yourselves often leads tomovement in all the others areas of your life and opens channels ofenergy from which you can draw from and create with.


Affirmations: "Iunconditionally accept all aspects of myself. I unconditionallyaccept those in my life for who they are and I unconditionallyaccept love in all of its various forms."

And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides



通靈:Sharon Taphorn

翻譯:Nick Chan http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vk0m.html

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