2015年5月26日 星期二

天使的智慧20150524 光

被光點亮  BeIlluminated by the Light


Light illuminatesdarkness and gloom, bringing hope and inspiration back into yourlife. Ask your angels to fill you with more light, for it containsspiritual information, deep wisdom and knowledge. These are keys tothe Universe and help to bring love and peace to your world, aswell as unlocking the wisdom within you.


As your light becomesstronger and clearer, you will find clarity and purpose. You willradiate brightly and become a beacon, reminding others of theDivine help that is available to anyone who chooses to look fortheir inner light. You angel guidance is to ask your angels toignite and strengthen the Divine flame within you. Feed it, nourishit and watch it grow and glow surrounding you in moreLight


Affirmation: "Myinner light shines through me and all around me, strengthening meand my purpose. I am high vibrating particles of light."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

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