Trust yourself andthe feelings you have when you look deep within and decide on thebest course of action for yourself and your life. There is moregoing on that meets the eye. Recognize what this is all about andwhen you take the time to get to the real issues or challenges, youwill see the truth of what is really going on in your heart as wellas in those who are involved. Be honest with yourself and bewilling do whatever it takes to take care of yourself and those youlove.
There are miraclesand blessings all around you and everything has a gift within it toshare with you if you have put it upon your path. Allow yourself inthis moment, to reflect, to feel joy, and to feel inner peace. Lookat how things are. Look again and you will find that your life istruly filled with many blessings and those are the miracles thatchange your outlook and also the possibilities you draw to yourlife.
Affirmation: "I trustthat I am exactly where I want and need to be to help me to trustmyself and understand the deeper levels of the situation as well asto find the blessings and the joy in my life."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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