2015年3月11日 星期三

【天使的智慧】 20150309 《視角》

觀點在改變   View Points are Changing


There is a shift in consciousness that is takingplace and with that brings about great change. Traditionalviewpoints, scientific methods and organizations are changing aseach of you expands your thoughts and mind to greater understandingof life, the Universe, and all that is. For some of you this is nothappening fast enough and yet for others it feels like it ishappening at break neck speed. Take a break, take a breath andallow it to unfold as it should and remember that you all havesomething to contribute, it is just sometimes harder to understandwith some . Let that not be your focus, put your energy and yourtime into those things that matter the most to your heart and trustthat the others will find that path that is right and best for themand release any thoughts and feelings that do not serve your growthor the ego's desire to control what is going on aroundyou.


Your angel guidance is to take some time to meditate,be alone with your thoughts and feelings and ask your angels tosurround you in love to help you gain perspective, calm, and focus.Open your heart and your mind to those around you who aretrustworthy, support others, and allow yourself to learn, know andgrow. Seek out like minded friends and support each other as thatis how you can change your world in the best waypossible.


Affirmation: "As I expand my understanding of Life,the Universe, and all that Is, I find that my perspective changesand I begin to understand things that were previously unavailableto me and begin to see the world and those around me in a newlight."

就是如此   And so it is


Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

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