2015年3月27日 星期五

天使的智慧20150325 平靜

平靜你的頭腦、身體和精神   Calmyour Mind, Body, and Spirit


Calming andnourishing your body and soul are important for you well-being andwhen you take the time for self care and self love, you willprosper and you will grow. Surround yourself in the emerald greenrays of Archangel Raphael and feel the love, healing, andpeacefulness they can bring into your life. When you feel balancedand whole, it is far easier to conquer your day and yourworld.


When you feelbalanced and whole you bring harmony to your tasks and challenges,it helps to dissolve any thoughts and feelings that don't supportyou, and can help to mend a broken heart. It can help to increaseyour energy as well as attract abundant opportunities and increasehow you feel about yourself and your life.


Take some time todayfor some much needed self care and anytime you are feelingdepleted, ask Archangel Raphael to shower you again with hishealing rays and you will be rejuvenated.


Affirmation: "Isurround myself in the healing Emerald Green Rays of ArchangelRaphael and I feel calm, healed, and at peace. I know that I amloved."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

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