這是一個很好的探索時間 This is a good timeto explore
There are otherpossibilities and paths to take on your journey. Now is a greattime to explore and change anything you are not happy about.Regardless of where you currently are, there are options availableto you that you may not have thought of yet. This is a good time toask your angels for assistance, for we are always ready tosupport you and guide your way. We don't do thejourney for you, we assist you in seeing the bigger picture as wellas lighting your way. You are always loved and supported ineverything that you do.
Be honest withyourself, look into your heart and follow your truth. Consultsomeone who can assist you if you aren't sure exactly how to begin.You are part of an awesome group of beings whose focus is entirelyabout supporting and loving you, both physical and non-physical.Now is the time to use the resources that are available toyou.
Affirmation: "I amalways safe and supported. I receive constant love, guidance andsupport, always and in all ways. I choose the best path for mewisely."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
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