2015年6月5日 星期五

天使的智慧20150602 慷概

慷慨地付出   Givefreely of yourself


Generosity is aboutgiving freely of yourself and expecting nothing in return. This iswhat true charity is really about, giving without expectation orjudgement. If you are putting conditions on who or what you give,it is not unconditional. Give your time, money, talents and skillsto those in need with an open heart and personal joy as yourreward. Let generosity be a guiding principle in your life and letyour pure light shine through in all that you do. Making your community and world a better placefor everyone is a powerful way to change your world.


Let your generositybe your passion and motivati​​on to help in the transformations ofyour world. When generosity is the guiding force that motivates youto help make changes to bring about a new era of peace you are thatmuch closer to bringing this reality for all. Ask your angels tohelp your heart expand and give generously of yourself to those inneed of a human angel to make a difference.


Affirmation: "I sharemy talents, skills and resources wholeheartedly and withoutreservation or conditions, other than to be in service to the Allthat Is and making this world a better place for all."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

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