2016年9月14日 星期三

天使的智慧 20160912 移動

新機遇在到來    New opportunities are on the way


Expect some movement and new opportunities to surface as the delays that have been holding you back will soon be over and so now is the perfect time to prepare for some much needed action and taking heed to the thoughts and feelings that are different from those you have had before. Be brave and be ready. This is something a bit outside the box and so you are congratulated for your ability to trust in the power of the infinite.


This is a magical time, even if it does not seem so from your particular vantage point. This is preparation for the new beginnings you have been asking for and so let the old fall away and transform any thoughts and feelings that do not support this shift in consciousness that is required for it to be so. Do not procrastinate, step up, step forward and be accounted for. After all, it is part of what you came here to understand and experience. Now is the time to just do it!

今天的咒語: “我準備好了!我準備好了!我有著讓它發生的一切所需。”

The mantra for today is:"I am Ready! I have been preparing for this! I have all that I need to make this happen!"

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn     翻譯: Nick Chan

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